The World Health Organization (WHO) and the National Institutes for Health (NIH) recognize the efficacy of acupuncture and East Asian Medicines for a number of conditions. Studies out of Australia and the United Kingdom also evaluate the effectiveness of acupuncture for a range of conditions. Other studies into the efficacy of Traditional East Asian Medicine can be found through PubMed.
The conditions for which acupuncture is effective with strong and moderately supporting evidence are:
Acute stroke
Allergic rhinitis (perennial & seasonal)
Cancer (fatigue, pain)
Depression (with anti-depressants)
Dry eye
Headache (tension-type and chronic)
Hypertension (with medication)
Irritable bowel syndrome
Knee osteoarthritis
Labor pain
Lateral elbow pain
Low back pain (acute, sub-acute, chronic and pregnancy-induced)
Menopausal hot flashes
Migraine prophylaxis
Modulating sensory-perception thresholds
Nausea (chemotherapy-induced, post-operative)
Neck pain
Peri and postmenopausal insomnia
Plantar heel pain
Post-operative pain
Post-stroke insomnia
Post-stroke shoulder pain
Post-stroke spasticity
Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
Prostatitis pain / chronic pelvic pain syndrome
Restless leg syndrome (RLS)
Schizophrenia (with antipsychotics)
Shoulder pain
Stroke rehabilitation
Temporomandibular pain
From the Acupuncture Evidence Project and the American College of Physicians.
Many other conditions also respond favorably to acupuncture and chinese medicine. Find out if this is right for you today.